just cool

Need nobody, ‘cuz we know we where we fit in

A twist!  I has a blogging buddy!  TWICE THE THINGS!  AND HALF OF THEM ARE DUDE THINGS!  I won’t lie, I’m kindof excited about this post.  Even with all my technical difficulties trying to get it done, and him being very patient with me, it was fun, haha.  Thank you Levi! ❤

Whore Couture is still happening, Skin Fair JUST opened, today!  My tats are from there.  YES, Levi created them….mad props to him because he’s amazeballs, that’s why I asked him to do this post with me and I can’t get over these stars…they’re adorable and I love them.  TMD is still going, his top is from there…so many events going right now.  #goshopforallthethings!!


On Me:

Hair: MOON{Hair}. 1996 Angsty

Choker: Kibitz – Eco necklace (NEW @ Whore Couture)

Tattoo1: .Inhale. Disasterpiece Tattoo (NEW @ Skin Fair) Thank you

Top: {dollle*} 108 Roll Up Crop Cami (NEW @ Whore Couture)

Strings: *~illusions~*Cord Wraps: (N/A)

Bangles: C h a r y . – Gaia Bangles (N/A)

Tattoo2: .Inhale. Side Stars (NEW @ Skin Fair) Thank you

Cuff: [MANDALA] OKAKI Bracelet set

Bracelet: POMPOSITY – Cuff Me Handcuff Bracelets

Pants: Razor /// Hustler – Jeans (@ Whore Couture)

Shoes: 2Real Starz Shoes


On Levi:

Hair: *~*Damselfly*~* Hudson

Beard: ~Tableau Vivant~ Facial hair 10 A – Chin strap

Ears: AITUI – Ear: Gen 4, Stretched

Piercing: .Pekka. Anti-Hazard Unisex Piercing

Top: Alec Cardigan & Shirt (NEW @ TMD)

Tattoo: DAPPA – Death Awaits Tattoo.

Pants: [JuSt CoOl] Sweatpants

Shoes: 2real Dopest Shoes